Our briwatec vacuum pumps and compressors (ZIRKON series) operate with environmentally friendly, oil- and lubricant-free rotary vane technology. The briwatec dry-running rotary vane vacuum pumps and dry-running rotary vane compressors are characterised by great durability and extremely economical operation. They are user-friendly, low-maintenance, efficient in drive and have very long vane service lives.
The rotary vane pumps and compressors in sizes from 3 to 40 m³/h and are designed with an overhung bearing. The sizes 60 to 140 m³/h are driven with coupled flange motors.
Compressor and drive are mounted on one shaft. This results in compact units that are ideal for difficult installations.
The vacuum pumps reach a final pressure of 120 mbar (abs.) in continuous operation. The compressors can be subjected to a pressure of up to 1.3 bar in continuous operation.
Data sheets, operating instructions and spare parts lists can be found in the downloads within our customer area.